RC: …Thank you for expanding on that idea. Nicki: I still love, I still love, I still love, I still love, I still lo-o-ove Well, I guess you can't have a downtempo song be a hit without the word "love" in the chorus, so now it's more clear what this song is actually about: substance abuse when it intervenes in a relationship. But hey, what do I know, maybe this song ISN'T about narcotics, maybe it's actually about OVERDOSING on the sweet audio quality of Beats by dre pills! So, what, does the word "potions" in the title not refer to a general term for alcoholic substances, but is actually just an ad for, I dunno, your perfume line or something

I mean, I haven't even gotten to the lyrics, and already I can't take this song seriously now, because they thought it'd be cute to use a play on words that equates beats by Dre stereos to crippling drug addiction. I mean, I could understand using this in a party song, but this is obviously not meant to be that. You just subverted the meaning of our own song for the sake of an ad for Beats by Dre pills. Okay, that's unexpected, but that can definitely make for a powerful, meaningful song… From the context I'm getting, I'm guessing it's gonna be a song about substance abuse and trying to get through it all. RC: Oh… okay, now I get why this song's being more serious. RC: Okay, that's… kinda random, but, but not enough to be distracting. RC: …and her boobs, but I was expecting that No crazy hairstyle, no exaggerated faces, just… her… So let's prepare for yet another "look at me look at me" video where she does silly, outlandish things just to get people talking about her RC: Hi, I'm the Rap Critic, and just in time for my Missy Elliott videowhere I mentioned how people were comparing her to Nicki Minaj, comes a new single from Nicki Minaj, called "Pills N Potions".